Gardening is a great way to get more exercise into your day and spend time outside. When gardening you perform hinge, squat, pull, push, and rotational movements without even thinking about it. Another great benefit to gardening is a sense of accomplishment from growing your own food giving you a fresh product to enjoy.

Most Effective Way to Garden
If you don’t have a yard to plant in, use grow bags, buckets, kiddie swimming pools etc. the options are endless
For soil, layer leaves, mulch, dirt, compost, sticks, etc. This creates optimal growing bacteria.
Take seeds from fruits and veggies you are already eating, to use in order to grow more
Benefits of Consuming Foods You Grew
The fruits and veggies are full of flavor
The fruits and veggies have the maximum amount of nutrients that they will ever have
Can help with seasonal allergies
Less chance for infield contamination
Overall Benefits of Gardening
Increased cardiorespiratory training
Increased vitamin D from the sun
Increased muscular strength
Improved mood
Improved coordination